What causes shoulder instability?

If you experience an injury or accident that over-stretches your shoulder joint, you may decrease the stability of the joint. Falling, a physical collision like during a vehicular accident, a sports tackle are some causes that may lead to shoulder instability.

Your shoulder joint becomes loose and cannot heal. Some people experience shoulder instability even without a traumatic incident. Shoulder instability tends to be chronic; once it slips out of joint, it’s likely to do so again and again.

Who is a candidate for shoulder stabilization surgery?

When conservative physical therapy fails to resolve your shoulder instability, doctor may recommend surgery; usually if you have or show signs of glenohumeral instability or instability associated with the shoulder blade. You must be willing to commit to therapy and strength training after surgery to augment your stability.

When recommending surgery, doctor takes into consideration :

  • The direction in which your shoulder slips
  • The extent of damage to your joint
  • The length of time you’ve had instability in your shoulder
  • Your lifestyle and expectations from treatment

What are the options for shoulder stabilization surgery?

Doctor uses several techniques for shoulder stabilization. These include an arthroscopic procedure, which is minimally invasive and useful if you’ve had only a few dislocations. During this procedure, doctor makes small incisions and inserts a tiny camera into the space. He can also do minor repairs with small instruments in these incisions.

An open operation is an alternative that’s also known as a “full reconstruction.” This procedure can produce better success, especially if you’ve had multiple dislocations or are an elite athlete. However, it’s more invasive and involved and may result in a moderate loss of movement in certain positions of your shoulder.

The types of open surgery include:

  • Capsular shift, which is performed to tighten the joint capsule
  • Latarjet procedure, which resolves bone loss from the socket that’s occurred due to repeated dislocation

If you have an unstable shoulder that slips out of the socket and causes pain, contact Dr. Harsha C M or make an appointment online to find lasting relief from this debilitating condition.